
Fast, reliable and professional

Whether it's business calls or messages to your loved ones - we know that for many people, their own mobile phone has become indispensable. But what do you do if it gets damaged? Don't worry, we're well equipped for this too. We've created the emporia repair service for cases like this. Because we want to help you quickly on the one hand and because we attach great importance to sustainability on the other.
Would you like to use the emporia repair service or do you have a question about it? Then contact us by filling out the form. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

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Book din reparation her

- Med en garantireparation repareres enheden gratis.

- Et omkostningsestimat udarbejdes i tilfælde af betalt reparation.

- En kopi af købskvitteringen skal inkluderes.

- Fastgør de data, der er gemt på enheden, inden du sender ind, da de kan gå tabt under reparationen.

- Eventuelle skærmlåse skal fjernes inden reparation for at muliggøre adgang til enheden.